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4日間の春分グローバルフォーラムを終えて/ Thank you for joining us in the world of AWAI

2021年3月18日から4日間にわたって開催された春分グローバルフォーラム「あわいから生まれてくるもの - 人と人ならざるものの交わり- 」が閉幕しました。

We were not sure how the theme of AWAI, which is very ambiguous and airy concept, would be received by the world, but at the end It was so beautiful that over 200 people internationally shared the moments with us and together explored what it means to be human from variety of perspectives towards a truly co-thriving future.


For the last two months, we have been deep in a greater flow, just listening the voice of something that is keen to be born in this world and just witnessing it emerging through us, with an egoless sense of Ba in words of Prof. Iba(a keynote speaker on DAY1)


It was very glad to hear heartwarming responses especially from those who live outside of Japan. Your words touched me so much. I offer my profound gratitude to all of you who joined, co-created and supported our forum, AND especially to interpreter team who made this precious international experience happen.


We think that this is just a beginning of a long journey. For those who could not join this time, we will prepare video archives accessible both in English and Japanese so look forward to them.


We hope to see and speak with you again


With warm thanks,


Forum Team



Session archives are now on sale / アーカイブ映像を公開・販売開始しました!


Session archives are available at


Also, you can watch some of the sessions on youtube.


ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー For those of you who joined the forum / フォーラムにご参加された方へ

ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー We would like to hear your voices and opinions via feedback form. ぜひ振り返りフォームから感想やフィードバックをお寄せください。

ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー AWAI Gathering on 3rd April / あわいの集いのお知らせ


We will be having an informal gathering open for all participants, speakers, and those who could not join the forum. So make sure to swing by if you are available! フォーラム参加者やスピーカー、リアルタイムでは参加が難しかった方々も含めた集いを開催します。ゆるやかな流れに委ねたあわいの集いではありますが、すでに楽しみなコンテンツが現れはじめています。

AWAI Gathering vol.1 - Tao, Chaos and Shaman in Creation -

あわいの集い vol.1 - 老荘思想と創造のシャーマン -

Date: 3 April, 11.00 - 12.30 CET / 18.00 - 19.30 JST


-In-flow conversation and sharing about the forum / ゆるりとしたフォーラム振り返りや感想シェア

-Prof. Iba’s short talk on “Tao, Chaos and Shaman in Creation”/ 井庭先生によるショートトーク「創造と老荘思想 - 創造のシャーマン - 」

-Experiential viewing of generative art “What if life was light?” / ジェネラティブアート体験「いのちがひかりになったなら」

-an announcement about the video archives of the forum for those who could not join the forum and about our journey forwards / アーカイブ映像や今後の旅路のご案内


——Special Thanks——


Giles Hutchins / Rolando Vazquez / Takashi Iba / Kosuke Matsushima / Ayumi Matsuzaka / Philip Horváth / Shinichi Nakama / Yumi Komori / Kaichi Sugiyama / Hiroshi Yamada / Lukas Ley / Tomoko Sauvage / Taishi Hatayama / Masaru Tanaka / Naho Iguchi / Kanako Uchino / Fumihiro Hoshino / Nahum All / Tokushu Inamura / Kazuha Ogasawara / Masatoshi Funabashi / Kunitake Saso / Masatake Shinohara / Nile Koetting / Matsushima Michiaki / Tsuyoshi Watanabe / Joey Johannsen


Future Fit Leadership Academy / / Sustainable Ocean Aliance Japan / DYCLE / Ideas for Good / Boundbow / LUMAN / / Unleash / SYNECOCULTURE ASSOCIATION / Deracine Inc. / KIKAI institute for Coral Reef Sciences


Chieko Azuma / Dennis Chia / Daniel Read / Nina Matsumoto / Yumi Fukushima / Yumiko Terashima / Yuki Julia Ito / Yuko Som


Suzuki Nozomi / Takuya Beppu / Eiji Watanabe / Yohichi Shirakawa / Kazuhiro Nishiyama

Web design:

Jonathan Auch / Tomoko Ikenoue

Graphic Recorder:

Manami Yamada / Chiharu Kai / Maiko Iide / Sayaka Izumiyama

Video Editor:

Yoshihiro Inada


Hiroki Okano & HELIO COMPASS


Saki Hibino / Aimi Sunaga / Shuhei Tashiro / Yasuhiro Kobayashi


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